Today’s Post – Brought to You by the Letter “G”

Yes! The letter G… just when you think I couldn’t get any dorkier, here I come down the street, running behind you screaming “G!” “G!” as you bob and weave out of parked cars.

I say “G” because this week focuses on goals and guest posts. My first guest post (ever!) will be over at Marcia Richards’ blog this month. Her blog is smart, sexy and the colors are so easy on the eyes, she could blog about squirrels in a battle for the Winter Nut Challenge and I would read it. Her style is so smooth and positive. If you are not following her, hop on over and check her out. No need to send me marshmallows. My guest post at Marcia’s blog will be about Goals! With the new year already flying by, we need to make sure we’re not taking on more than we can accomplish. Rock on Marcia!

In other “G” news, I will have my first guest blogger (everrr) over at The Great 80’s coming in February. Sharon Howard tells us what it was like in England in 1988. I am excited about this! I have never traveled outside of the country and always wanted to know what life for a teenager was like in other places. Join in the fun. I will be doing some shout out’s to remind all my peeps about Sharon’s guest post. Her blog is amazing and honest.

In ROW80 tirades, I am freaking out because the more I edit my NaNoWriMo novel, the more I get down on myself. I know it is a good story, and know it is the first novel I have ever completed (with the exception of the novella I wrote and never edited back in 1998). Maybe it is my perfectionistic attitude toward myself. I read about this attitude, and it can only lead to emptiness if I let it own me. I am in the process of my second edit/rewrite and then I am going to have someone else look at it.

Also, I started writing my second book idea with the help of (which I am loving!). There is something about forced accountability that helps me.

On the menu for this week:

  1. Continue to clean up “Bound and Broken” rewrite.
  2. Finish query letter for “Bound and Broken.”
  3. Read 50 more pages of “The Art of Subtext.”
  4. Read/comment blogs.
  5. Write 750 words a day.
  6. Get to gym at least 3 times this week.
  7. Relax for two hours today.

I hope everyone else in this ROW80 thingamabobber is doing amazing!  I look forward to reading about all my fellow ROWers goals and progress.  You can link here if you are in on the ROW80 fun!


  1. Regarding the NaNoWriMo work, maybe it hasn’t been long enough. Sometimes, it takes distance to see what originally sparked all those words. Well, it does with me, anyway. Enjoy your posts and look forward to reading more.

    • Hey, KM. I took your advice and threw it back in the drawer. I am thinking I’ll let it sit until after tax season, take a day off and go edit it with a nice red pen.
      Thanks much for stopping by.

  2. I’m doing the too, and really enjoying it. I didn’t expect to – at all – and figured I’d do it for 2 days and quit. Go figure.

    Good luck with your editing work. That’s tricky for me as well, but try not to get down on yourself for seeing all the potholes. 🙂

  3. Joanna Aislinn says:

    Love your post, Darlene. Good luck with all those goals and looking forward to your guest post. I feel your pain about that revision. God knows which revision I’m on with my current ms, but it took sharing it with someone and hearing very positive feedback to re-ignite my belief in the story. Think that happens when I’m too close to it for too long. Have any other projects you can work on while taking a break from the NaNoWriMo project? Maybe that long-abandoned novella?

    • Thanks, Joanna. 🙂 I am actually working on something new .. and I like the way it is going.. I have also decided to add another twist to my NaNo Novel.. and I think that twist is going to make it pop. 🙂

      • Joanna Aislinn says:

        That’s when writing is the most fun, Darlene. Don’t know why I’m having such a hard time getting my next story off the ground. I’m at least 20 pages in and can’t seem to get past there. Started another rewrite, and stuck there too, along with a third piece I started over the summer. Bleh. No fun there.

        Good luck w/your revisions!

  4. Agreed: Writing’s fun, editing sucks. Stop beating yourself up – the point of NaNoWriMo isn’t to get it right, it’s to get it written. Besides, think how much you’ll learn – about the craft, your style, your tendencies, your characters – in the process. Good luck!

    • Joanna Aislinn says:

      I must be a mutant: I love revising; maybe it’s having the story structure in place that I like more than having to carve it out via first draft. And yes, you learn so much and that helps make your writing tighter from the start when you start subsequent projects! You’ll get there, I promise. 😉

  5. showard76 says:

    great progress Darlene! I hope my post goes down well with your readers – it was great fun remembering that time 😀

  6. Wow, you have a lot on your plate for this week! I’ll be lucky if I get to write 100 words or get to the gym once. I’ve been so lazy these days. But, thanks for the upbeat inspirational post. I’ll force myself to the gym now. 😀

  7. Good luck with your goals this week!

  8. Good luck with your goals … I mean the letter ‘G’ word. Sounds as though they are reasonable ones.

  9. You are sounding so upbeat, happy, challenged, and fulfilled! Such great energy…and now I have MORE blogs to look at!!!!!

    May your life by joyful far beyond the next check-in! =D

  10. Every writer hates their work more often than not. It doesn’t mean it’s bad, it just means you have doubts and that means you’re human. James Joyce threw the entire first draft of “Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man” on the fire and his wife got burned rescuing it!

  11. thedesertrocks says:

    Good luck with everything Darlene and I think you deserve more than marshmallows!

  12. Hi, great set of goals, seems like quite a nice relaxing set as well. :D. Hope you can make good progress on all your goals.. we’re on the look out to do more guest blogging, so if you have a spare space.. please let us know… 😀

  13. sounds like youre being hard on yourself – if you know its good stop yelling at yourself – get a second opinion and love your creation.

    look foward to your guest blogger I was middle aged in the 80s in Uk so will be interesting for me to know being a teenager was like then

    all the best for coming week

  14. That’s good your setting goals and writing them down. I find the lists I write end up with two out of ten things crossed off. I think every writer has those feelings of insecurity. Good luck and keep writing.


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