ROW 80 – Things Are Getting Funky

Ya know, sometimes I wonder what the heck life is all about really.  Sometimes I feel like it is one big joke of oxymorons, coincidences and irony. I really do try to gather the positive out of every situation, however, I am in a situation now and I am laughing because it is so sad. I won’t go into detail on my blog here, but let’s just say, WTF?!

Okay.. thanks for letting me share.

I have continued to review/edit my current WIP. I am up to page 50 of 188.  If I do five pages a day over the next 30 days I will finish by July 4th!  Also, I put a shout out to anyone who wanted to beta read it for me.  The work is a crime drama with sex, murder drugs and language.  So if anyone is into that or isn’t offended by such things, shoot me an email at

In other news, my ATV injuries are healing well with the exception of my left shoulder.  No biggie… it will be where it is supposed to be eventually.

On With The Show

  • continue to edit WIP. Five pages a day.  Finish this!
  • Continue to read/comment blogs (I have slacked on this immensely, I am truly, truly sorry).
  • Triberr:  Three times a week.
  • Read Shay Fabbro’s Dangerous Reflections! It sounds very interesting.

That’s it for me… what say you?  How are you coming along with your goals?



  1. showard76 says:

    Great progress as always, I wish I could pull my finger out and get some more done on my WIP it just seems to keep being at the bottom of my ‘things to do list lately! :/ Looking forward to beta reading for you! 😀

  2. Good job on your edits! I’m in awe as I begin to eek through mine for my paranormal mystery. That’s been a bit slow, honestly. The daily word count is picking up however so I hope that will continue.

    So glad you are on the mend with your injuries. Wishing you all the best with both your shoulder healing and your ‘situation’. Life can bring on the nuttiest of situations… Hang in there!

  3. I hope everything turns out okay for you. Sometimes life throws some nasty stuff at us. Be strong and do the best you can.

    Good luck with the editing process. It’s not quite as fun as the actual writing, is it? 🙂

  4. Darlene, I’m impressed that you’re just rallying on and saying, “Why The Face?” (our fave version of WTF so far). 5 pages a day is awesome! I’m having tremendous luck with an accupuncturist right now – I don’t know if that’s an option for you or not…

    • Hmm.. an acupuncturist sounds interesting… I am sure it may be better than my masseuse who hurts me! 😦
      I love the WTF (why the face)… totally using that! have a great week, Jenny.

  5. Steady progress is a very good thing. The fact that you are keeping it in light of the “wtf” situation – even better. Stay strong and keep pressing forward – persistence is the key to success for the writing and the other thing, and most things really. Lots of things *grins*

    Hope the coming week is a good one for you, Darlene 🙂

  6. Good girl. Don’t worry about coming! Just edit! 🙂

  7. As someone struggling with his own editing progress, I’m impressed with yours.
    Good luck with that shoulder – I had a rotator cuff thing that bothered me for months. Went to physio until coverage ran out, then just kept exercising and stretching on my own. Finally cleared up, but I suspect was just a matter of time.

  8. Hope you kick butt regarding your ‘situation’ – whatever it is. Glad to hear you’re on the mend physically. Good going on you edits too – I’m applying all the edits I did on the printed page, right now. Page 110 of 400. *sigh* – It’s so darn draining. Hugs – XX

    • Girl, my situation is really freaking loopy and gets loopier by the minute… I hate drama, and I think it is the one thing about the situation that is bothering me. I prefer my drama on screen and in books, not in my life!! 😉
      Editing IS so draining.. but must be done! Have a great week, Shah.

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